Heli-Hiking, more Heli less Hiking!!
We have now the ability to add the photos from the Dolphin watching, and surprise, surprise those guys are not easy to catch on film (thank god for digital)
Dolphins racing our boat, those guys are seriously fast
We told you they were quick, and getting the jumps on film was next to impossible
We left Kiakoura and drove to Greymouth - give it a miss.
Having departed slightly later than expected from Greymouth, we were slightly limited in our choices of activities for that day. Being the intrepid people that we are we decided to go on a heli-hike. I know that it is a bit of a cheat, but it does cross two things from our to-do list in one go (and we will continue to justify it to ourselves in that manner), well, hiking was always going to be a bit of a stretch for us!!
So anyway, we paid a man to fly us to the top of the Fox Glacier and land on the snow field at the top, it was much more civilised! It was fab, the views were out of this world and we were so high we were in the clouds!! We took piccies and threw the obligatory snowball, well, its expected and than we got back in our chopper and headed down the Franz Josef Glacier, were the polit took us over a rather steep ridge and Chris nearly lost the camera.... but only nearly!!
Our Chopper
A view from the chopper
Chris and his mountain (or so he thinks, Cook beat him too it!!)
We then had lunch and headed to the small but perfectly formed town of Fox Glacier, where we are now and are staying for the night, and strangely, today has been the warmest sunniest day of them all!!
Us at the Fox Glacier Interface
Dolphins racing our boat, those guys are seriously fast
We told you they were quick, and getting the jumps on film was next to impossible
We left Kiakoura and drove to Greymouth - give it a miss.
Having departed slightly later than expected from Greymouth, we were slightly limited in our choices of activities for that day. Being the intrepid people that we are we decided to go on a heli-hike. I know that it is a bit of a cheat, but it does cross two things from our to-do list in one go (and we will continue to justify it to ourselves in that manner), well, hiking was always going to be a bit of a stretch for us!!
So anyway, we paid a man to fly us to the top of the Fox Glacier and land on the snow field at the top, it was much more civilised! It was fab, the views were out of this world and we were so high we were in the clouds!! We took piccies and threw the obligatory snowball, well, its expected and than we got back in our chopper and headed down the Franz Josef Glacier, were the polit took us over a rather steep ridge and Chris nearly lost the camera.... but only nearly!!
Our Chopper
A view from the chopper
Chris and his mountain (or so he thinks, Cook beat him too it!!)
We then had lunch and headed to the small but perfectly formed town of Fox Glacier, where we are now and are staying for the night, and strangely, today has been the warmest sunniest day of them all!!
Us at the Fox Glacier Interface